Motorcycles & Large Scooters.
Small Electric Scooters.
24H English-speaking telephone assistance
Full Coverage Motorcycle Insurance
We know you like to keep your motorcycle looking brand new. Rest easy. Here you have all the protection that your motorcycle deserves.
We pinpoint your location and send an ambulance your way in the event of an accident.
Own damage and theft included.
At one of our 1,500 healthcare clinics.
The higher the excess, the cheaper the price of your insurance.
A worthwhile motorbike insurance needs comprehensive third-party liability coverage. In this regard, Caser has you covered. Because no matter what happens or wherever you are, whether on the motorway or in the city, it’s important to make sure you’re covered against any damage caused to a third party.
Compulsory Third-Party Liability (CTPL)
We guarantee compensation for third-party material damage or personal injury caused by a driving-related accident or incident for which you or anyone insured on the policy are liable.
Coverage offered up to the limits established by current legislation, at the time of the accident.
Voluntary Third-Party Liability (VTPL)
We cover any compensation that exceeds the limits of Compulsory Third-Party Liability established by current legislation. We cover the driver’s obligation to pay compensation for damage cause to third parties in the following cases:
In an accident in which your motorcycle is liable.
When your motorcycle is stopped or parked, even in the event of a fire or explosion inside or outside a garage.
When the baggage aboard the motorcycle falls onto a public road.
For further information, consult the Ley de Responsabilidad Civil y seguro en la circulación de vehículos a motor [Law on Civil Liability and Insurance in the Use of Motorised Vehicles]. RD 8/200
We are your voice in all legal matters. We file claims on your behalf regardless of the situation and guide and assist you throughout the process. In short, at Caser Moto we offer you all the support you need. We are always there.
Third-party claims
Personal injury or damage to your motorbike or belongings caused by third parties.
You are always vulnerable to accidents when riding a motorbike. This is why we help you file claims for any damage caused by poor road conditions.
Advance payment of compensation for damage caused to your motorcycle. (provided that prior written agreement of the liable insurer is obtained, or when said insurer has been legally ordered to settle the compensation).
Legal Guidance
Over-the-phone legal guidance service for queries regarding formalities, fines, MOT, taxes, claims, etc.
On top of this, we also offer guidance on personal and family-related matters: consumer affairs, housing, criminal matters, job-related issues or, even, tax returns. Being by your side means assisting you with whatever you need at all times.
Legal defense for accident claims not involving your motorbike
At Caser Moto, we’ve got it all covered. This is why we also claim for any damage you incur as a pedestrian or cyclist (not affiliated with any cycling group) during any traffic accident. This coverage is valid for the policyholder, the owner of the motorcycle and the driver declared in the policy. Because your road safety is essential not only when riding your bike but also in your day-to-day life.
Unlimited medical assistance with Caser’s network of clinics with €6,000 to help with expenses incurred in other centres.
Transport and repatriation of injured passengers.
Stolen motorbike = Stolen freedom. Losing your motorbike is like losing an arm. This is why we offer the most comprehensive theft coverage without any excess:
We offer compensation for 100% of the fair market value of your motorbike, i.e., the value of your motorbike at the time of theft. You can only file the claim once 40 days have passed since the incident.
Death caused by a traffic accident.
Permanent disability (preventing the driver from returning to work) caused by a traffic accident.
We offer a replacement motorbike:
For up to 10 calendar days for damage caused by a crash.
For up to 15 calendar days in the event of total loss caused by a crash.
For up to 30 calendar days in the event of theft.
Helmet €800
Boots €150
Gloves €100
Jacket €150
Trousers €100
Overalls €200
If you are left stranded as a result of a breakdown or flat tyre, we will send a tow truck your way to resolve your problem in situ so that your trip can continue as usual.
If an in-situ repair is not possible, we will take your motorbike to a garage of your choice, restriction-free, so long as it is in Spain.
And if, for whichever reason, your motorbike is rendered unfit for the road, we will cover accommodation costs (hotel and breakfast) for you and your passenger. We also cover transport to your home as well as the return trip to pick up your motorbike as soon as it is repaired.
Fuel shortage assistance: if you run out of petrol, we will bring some to you wherever you are (cost of petrol not included) or we will send a tow truck.
We cover the cost to rescue your motorbike (up to €350) if it becomes stuck in a ditch or falls down an embankment.
If you encounter a problem abroad, our Travel Assistance can help.
In the event of a breakdown or flat tyre, we will take your motorbike to the nearest garage.
If they don’t have the parts to repair your motorbike, we will deliver them and cover the cost up front. You will have one month to pay back the cost of the delivered parts.
If your motorbike cannot be repaired, don’t worry, we will cover the cost required to take it back home.
We will provide an advance payment of €1,000 to cover unforeseen circumstances abroad, and you can pay us back when you get home.
If necessary, we offer legal assistance and a loan to cover the cost of bail and lawyer’s fees, with the limits set out in the General Terms and Conditions.
Lost or stolen keys
If you lose or have the keys to your motorbike stolen and have a spare set at home, we will make sure they are sent to you free of charge.
If you forget something important
When you take out Caser Moto, we take care of sending your important documentation, or even glasses or medication, if you can’t find them at your destination.
If you have your motorbike stolen
If your motorbike is stolen, we cover the costs for accommodation and transport so that you and your passenger can return home safely.
Your motorcycle is irreplaceable. You pamper it. You always keep it up to date and you always give it the best care. And your motorcycle pays you back for your affections with every curve, every adrenaline rush and with that irreplaceable sense of freedom. Our full coverage motorcycle insurance ensures your relationship never has to come to an end. Types of comprehensive insurance available with excesses.
With Caser Comprehensive Motorbike Insurance with Excess, you can insure all of these bikes:
Super Naked
Maxi Scooters
The minimum insurance that will surpass your expectations, without noticing the difference in your wallet.
The Third Party Insurance scheme with the best protection that gives you peace of mind if your motorcycle gets stolen.
We answer your questions about taking out, using and managing the insurance, as well as its coverage, limits... and much more!
Motorcycles & Large Scooters.
Small Electric Scooters.
Ins and Outs.
Safety equipment.
Basic road rules.
Speed limits.