Typical non spanish blog | Caser

Making an Insurance Claim on Your Car

Written by Typical Non Spanish | Jul 8, 2021 9:03:39 AM

We’re all aware that safety should be placed at the forefront of our driving ethos, and we can indeed adhere to this personally, but unfortunately, we’re unable to vouch for everyone else on the road. Did you know that statistics released by the National Department of Traffic (DGT) showed that there were 797 road accidents in Spain in 2020, causing 870 fatalities and another 3,463 hospitalizations? Aside from these tragic incidents, a wide range of other car-related misfortunes can occur that are unfortunately out of our control: damaged windscreens, robbery, fire, mechanical breakdown, and lots more. This demonstrates why car insurance is not only required by law, but also necessary when it comes to making an insurance claim on your car to cover the repair or replacement costs. If you’re a Caser Car Insurance policyholder and wondering how to file a claim, read on - we break down the process you’ll need to follow.  

Step 1 - Gather evidence

In the event of an accident involving another vehicle, gather as much evidence as possible, including the number plate of the other vehicle and the driver’s name and surname, ID number, and even photographs of any damage that was caused. If you fail to reach an agreement with the other driver, contact local authorities so that a police report can be drawn up.


Step 2 - Contact Caser

Every insurance company has their own administrative procedures in place for making an insurance claim on your car. In the case of Caser, you can notify us through any of the following means:

Over the phone

  • You can call our customer service line on: +34 91 055 16 55 from 8 p.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Outside these hours, you have the option of contacting the Travel Assistance Line by calling +34 91 594 94 22. This service is available 24 hours a day.


  • By filling out our Customer Service Form: https://www.caserexpatinsurance.com/contact-us-buy-insurance-online
  • You can also quickly and conveniently log in to your Customer Area* with your personal details and fill out the appropriate form corresponding to the type of incident.
  • Or, if you prefer, you can contact us through the Caser app* for iPhone and Android.


  • If you prefer, by directly contacting your insurance broker on the telephone number provided in your policy or by searching for his or her details on our Caser Insurance Broker Finder.

It is important you have your details (or the driver’s details if you were not behind the wheel) and policy number at hand to facilitate the process. Provide as much information as possible so that we can determine if your policy covers you for this particular loss.

Step 3 - Documentation

Once you have spoken to Caser and initiated the process for making an insurance claim on your car, you will need to gather the necessary documents to support your claim and submit them to Caser. Depending on the type of incident, this may include a police report (from the scene of the accident), the other driver’s details, any medical bills or photos documenting the damage to your car. Don’t worry, though, Caser will fully inform you on what you need to provide.

The process to file an insurance claim on your car can seem daunting at first, especially if you’ve just had an accident, but the key is to get the ball rolling straight away and gather as much evidence as you can. This provides us with the full picture so that we’re able to assess your situation and whether or not compensation applies. For further information on our car insurance policies, click here.

*Bear in mind that the Customer Area on the website and app are only available in Spanish, so if you don’t feel confident enough with your level of comprehension, it might be a good idea to ask a friend to help you out.

If you are searching for car insurance in Spain, Caser Expat Insurance has the right policy for you!